Is hot and sour soup gluten free

1、Is hot and sour soup gluten free

Hot and sour soup is gluten-free, and its main ingredients are: vinegar, chili peppers, fungus, tofu, eggs and pepper, which are gluten-free. However, if you add gluten-containing ingredients to your hot and sour soup, such as gluten-containing noodles or seasonings, it is no longer gluten-free. Choose the right ingredients when making hot and sour soup.

2、 hot and sour soup commonly used ingredients





Chili pepper





Chicken or beef broth

3、 how to make hot and sour soup taste better

(1)、 use beef broth instead of water to make hot and sour soup, the flavor is more fresh.

(2)、you can adjust the amount of vinegar and chili according to personal preference, the taste will be different.

(3)、 Use fresh ingredients.

(4)、add a little sesame oil, the flavor of hot and sour soup will be more fragrant.

4、Different people

Elderly: hot and sour soup contains chili and pepper, which stimulates the human stomach and intestines, and the elderly should eat less hot and sour soup.

Pregnant women: hot and sour soup has no harmful ingredients for pregnant women, but because it contains chili and pepper, pregnant women can not eat too much hot and sour soup.

High blood pressure people: hot and sour soup in the salt content is high, high blood pressure people can not eat too much hot and sour soup.

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kalorifer sobası
17 hours ago

Keep up the fantastic work! Kalorifer Sobası odun, kömür, pelet gibi yakıtlarla çalışan ve ısıtma işlevi gören bir soba türüdür. Kalorifer Sobası içindeki yakıtın yanmasıyla oluşan ısıyı doğrudan çevresine yayar ve aynı zamanda suyun ısınmasını sağlar.

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