Chinese Fish Soup



The Chinese fish soup I made is also called tomato fish soup. Its main ingredients are crucian carp and tomatoes. Drinking a bowl will immediately warm the body and it is rich in nutrients. It is very suitable for pregnant women and middle-aged and elderly people.

You can add tofu, various vegetables, and other seasonings to the tomato fish soup to improve its taste and nutrition. It is very warm to drink the soup together as a family.

3、Cooking Difficulty

520Fragrant and saltyFried, stewed


  1. 2 crucian carp
  2. 1 tomato
  3. Sliced ginger
  4. chopped green onion
  5. Cooking oil
  6. salt
  7. pepper
  8. White vinegar

5、How To Make

1、We can make Chinese fish soup for my wife when she is pregnant,If you have time, you can go fishing,Or go to the supermarket to buy 2 crucian carp,Let’s make Chinese fish soup,The ingredients are very simple,Two fish caught from the river, plus a tomato.

2、Wash the tomatoes,Make a cross with a knife directly above the tomato.

3、Put it in boiling water and blanch for 2 minutes,Then remove the tomatoes and put them in cold water for 1 minute.

4、Tear off the tomato skin.

5、Cut the tomato,Put on a plate for later use.

6、Prepare sliced ginger and chopped green onion.

7、Add a small amount of cooking oil to the wok,Fry the fish first until golden brown on both sides.

8、Then add water and bring to a boil,Don’t add too much cooking oil when frying fish,Otherwise the fish soup will be very greasy.

9、Add ginger slices and tomato,Boil for 15 minutes,The fish and tomatoes are boiled,This way the fish soup will have a richer taste,Just reach this state.

10、Add a small amount of salt and a small amount of pepper.

11、After the fish soup is cooked, sprinkle a little green onion.

12、If you give it to children, strain the fish soup.

13、Chinese tomato fish soup is ready,The fish soup is simple, with a little tomato sourness,This fish soup is more appetizing,Suitable for all ages, and pregnant women drink it very good for the fetus,I’m fishing by myself, you can buy crucian carp,You can also try.

6、Important Tips

1、I caught fish from a small stream. You can buy crucian carp from the supermarket. Crucian carp soup is very delicious.

2、 Don’t put too much cooking oil when frying the fish, otherwise the fish soup will be very greasy.

3、 The fish soup should be boiled on a high fire, and then simmered on a low fire. The time can be longer and the taste will be better. You can also add other seasonings or vegetables according to your preferences. For example, some friends will add tofu, vegetables and other ingredients.

4、 Add a few drops of white vinegar to the fish soup to remove the fishy smell.

7、Nutrient Content

ContentPer 100 g
Calories45.3 kcal
carbohydrate1.5 g
Fat1.8 g
protein5.6 g
Cellulose0.01 g

8、Matching Food

Jinhua HamChinese Egg PancakeOsmanthus Cake

9、Suitable People

PeopleRecommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar8
High blood pressure9
high blood fat9
lose weight9

Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)

10、Recipe related knowledge

Nutrition in Chinese Fish Soup

Many people use crucian carp when making fish soup. I used grass carp here. Instead of crushing the fish, the fish is left, so that not only the soup but also the meat can be eaten. Similar to the method of crucian carp soup, it needs to be stewed for a long time, so that the protein in the fish can be dissolved in the fish pond as much as possible, and other ingredients such as tomatoes, tofu, etc. can be added to the fish soup. Many people in China like stewed fish soup very much. It tastes nutritious and warms the whole body after drinking it. It is a must-have soup for many family dining tables.

Fish is rich in protein, and it can be stewed for a long time to get a milky white fish soup. After adding tofu and tomatoes, the fish soup will turn light red, which will increase people’s appetite. Fish is rich in B vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, and also contains various trace elements necessary for the human body such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Grass carp is rich in selenium, which has anti-aging effects, as well as whitening and beautifying effects, and grass carp has a preventive effect on certain diseases.

Drinking more fish soup can also prevent cardiovascular diseases. Grass carp is delicate and nutritious. It is really good for thin people to drink more fish soup and eat more fish meat, which can supplement nutrition and promote physical development.

Tips for Making Chinese Fish Soup

The method of stewing fish soup is simple, you can add your favorite ingredients to it, I often add tofu and tomatoes to it. You can also add other vegetables such as carrots, bean sprouts, etc. You don’t need to add a lot of seasonings when making fish soup, you can also make the fish soup very delicious. It is better to use grass carp for making Chinese fish soup. Be sure to make sure that the fish is fresh. It is better to use medium or low heat when stewing. The stewing time is longer, which can make the fish soup more delicious. After tofu is stewed in fish soup, it can absorb a lot of nutrients. Eating more tofu has the effect of reducing swelling, which is very helpful for people who often work overtime and stay up late.

Can pregnant women drink Chinese fish soup?

The Chinese fish soup recipe I share is simple and nutritious, perfect for pregnant women. It also has the effect of promoting lactation. It can retain more nutrients when stewing fish, and it is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Eating more can make the body healthier. Chinese fish soup contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which is beneficial to blood circulation and can prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Its selenium content is very high, which has the effect of watching aging. Pregnant women drink fish soup to supplement nutrition, and eat fish to promote fetal development, so they can drink more. Fish soup is not greasy and has an appetizing effect. If pregnant women lose their appetite, they can try to drink fish soup, which can promote digestion and increase appetite.

In particular, fish soup has the effect of promoting lactation. Pregnant women can drink more, as long as it is not excessive. Many people like Chinese fish soup. When making fish soup, they don’t use a lot of seasonings. They just add onions, ginger slices, etc. to remove the fishy smell, and then add tofu or tomatoes. The fish soup is still very nutritious, and For a more authentic flavor, you can also do dashi.


Chinese Fish Soup
The Chinese fish soup I made is also called tomato fish soup. Its main ingredients are crucian carp and tomatoes. Drinking a bowl will immediately warm the body and it is rich in nutrients. It is very suitable for pregnant women and middle-aged and elderly people.
You can add tofu, various vegetables, and other seasonings to the tomato fish soup to improve its taste and nutrition. It is very warm to drink the soup together as a family.
  • 2 crucian carp
  • 1 tomato
  • Sliced ginger
  • chopped green onion
  • Cooking oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • White vinegar
  • We can make Chinese fish soup for my wife when she is pregnant,If you have time, you can go fishing,Or go to the supermarket to buy 2 crucian carp,Let's make Chinese fish soup,The ingredients are very simple,Two fish caught from the river, plus a tomato.
  • Wash the tomatoes,Make a cross with a knife directly above the tomato.
  • Put it in boiling water and blanch for 2 minutes,Then remove the tomatoes and put them in cold water for 1 minute.
  • Tear off the tomato skin.
  • Cut the tomato,Put on a plate for later use.
  • Prepare sliced ginger and chopped green onion.
  • Add a small amount of cooking oil to the wok,Fry the fish first until golden brown on both sides.
  • Then add water and bring to a boil,Don't add too much cooking oil when frying fish,Otherwise the fish soup will be very greasy.
  • Add ginger slices and tomato,Boil for 15 minutes,The fish and tomatoes are boiled,This way the fish soup will have a richer taste,Just reach this state.
  • Add a small amount of salt and a small amount of pepper.
  • After the fish soup is cooked, sprinkle a little green onion.
  • If you give it to children, strain the fish soup.
  • Chinese tomato fish soup is ready,The fish soup is simple, with a little tomato sourness,This fish soup is more appetizing,Suitable for all ages, and pregnant women drink it very good for the fetus,I’m fishing by myself, you can buy crucian carp,You can also try.
1、I caught fish from a small stream. You can buy crucian carp from the supermarket. Crucian carp soup is very delicious.
2、 Don’t put too much cooking oil when frying the fish, otherwise the fish soup will be very greasy.
3、 The fish soup should be boiled on a high fire, and then simmered on a low fire. The time can be longer and the taste will be better. You can also add other seasonings or vegetables according to your preferences. For example, some friends will add tofu, vegetables and other ingredients.
4、 Add a few drops of white vinegar to the fish soup to remove the fishy smell.
Cooking Difficulty
520Fragrant and saltyFried, stewed
Nutrient Content
ContentPer 100 g
Calories45.3 kcal
carbohydrate1.5 g
Fat1.8 g
protein5.6 g
Cellulose0.01 g
Matching Food
Jinhua Ham,Chinese Egg Pancake,Osmanthus Cake
Suitable People
PeopleRecommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar8
High blood pressure9
high blood fat9
lose weight9
Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)
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