Shrimp Tofu



Shrimp tofu is very popular now. It combines fresh shrimp and tofu together, using two processes: frying and soup. You can also add different vegetables according to your preferences. I added enoki mushrooms in it. You can also add other vegetables, which will also be very delicious.

The method of shrimp tofu is simple, you will be very proficient if you try to cook it a few times, and it must be very popular to entertain friends.

3、Cooking Difficulty

530Salty, sweet, fragrantDeep-fried, stew


  1. 3 packets of tofu
  2. starch
  3. Cooking oil
  4. Fresh shrimp 250 g
  5. 1 tomato
  6. Enoki mushroom 200 g
  7. 1 scoop of oyster sauce
  8. 1 spoon of tomato paste
  9. 3 tablespoons light soy sauce
  10. 1/2 tablespoon sugar
  11. chopped green onion

5、How To Make

1、Prepare 3 packets of tofu,Cut the tofu into sections.

2、Add appropriate amount of starch,Stir to make the tofu evenly coated with a layer of starch.

3、Add appropriate amount of edible oil to the pot and heat on low heat,Put the tofu in the pot,Fry tofu over low heat,Flip the tofu and fry both sides until golden brown.

4、Then turn off the heat and pour the tofu into the plate.

5、Prepare fresh shrimp 250 g,Remove shrimp head, shrimp shell, shrimp thread.

6、Prepare 1 tomato and cut it into pieces.

7、Add appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pot and heat up on low heat,Fry the shrimp in the pan until the color changes.

8、Add proper amount of oil to the pot and heat it up on low heat,Put the shrimp heads removed before into the pot and stir fry for 5 minutes,Pick out the shrimp heads and throw them away, leaving the sauce in the pot.

9、Pour the tomatoes into the pot and simmer for 5 minutes.

10、Add 200 g enoki mushrooms.

11、Add the fried tofu.

12、Add the fried shrimp,Add 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of tomato sauce, 3 spoons of light soy sauce, half a spoon of sugar.

13、Add water to the pot to make sure it can submerge two-thirds of the ingredients,Cover the pot and boil on high heat for 5 minutes.

14、Add appropriate amount of chopped green onion,Shrimp tofu is ready.

6、Important Tips

1、Fry the tofu over a low fire, not too long, and avoid zooming the tofu.

2、Be careful and clean when removing shrimp shells and shrimp threads.

3、 Fry the shrimps over a small fire, not too long, and turn them a few times.

4、You can also add spinach, carrots and other vegetables to it according to your preferences.

7、Nutrient Content

ContentPer 100 g
Calories106 kcal
carbohydrate3.5 g
Fat7.4 g
protein7.3 g
Cellulose4.5 g

8、Matching Food

Chinese Almond TofuBingtanghuluChinese Spring Rolls

9、Suitable People

PeopleRecommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar5
High blood pressure6
high blood fat7
lose weight5

Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)

10、Recipe related knowledge

Nutrition of shrimp tofu

Many people like to eat shrimp tofu because it is delicious. The tofu tastes soft and glutinous and delicate, and the shrimp tastes delicious and nutritious. Shrimp is high in protein, low in fat and low in calories. If you are weak and want to absorb nutrients quickly, there is nothing wrong with choosing shrimp, which is delicious and easy to digest. Shrimp contains a lot of magnesium, which can protect the cardiovascular system, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, prevent arteriosclerosis, and be of great help to the health of the elderly.

Tofu is a good health food. Tofu is made from soybeans. It is easy to digest and is very popular among children and the elderly. Tofu is rich in protein, and people with poor digestion can eat more tofu. When cooking, tofu can be combined with many ingredients to make a lot of delicious. In addition, tofu can absorb the taste of other ingredients, making the original tasteless tofu very delicious.

Children who eat more tofu can promote bone growth and development, and there is no cholesterol in tofu. People with high blood pressure and high blood lipids can eat more tofu. The digestive function of the elderly is reduced, and it is good to eat more tofu at this time. I like shrimp tofu very much because the two main ingredients are good for health, it is a dish suitable for all ages, and you can add a lot of seasonings according to your preferences to make different flavors of food.

What should I pay attention to when eating shrimp tofu?

Although shrimp tofu is very delicious, there are also precautions when eating it. It cannot be eaten with fruits such as grapes, pomegranates, hawthorn, and persimmons. Because these fruits contain tannic acid, tannic acid is easy to combine with protein, which affects the absorption of protein by the human body, and also stimulates the stomach and intestines, sometimes causing symptoms such as diarrhea. Tofu cannot be eaten with spinach, water bean and other foods. Spinach and water bean contain oxalic acid, and tofu and oxalic acid are easy to react. But we can cook the spinach and water spinach to destroy the oxalic acid, and then we can eat it with tofu.

How to choose tofu and shrimp

If you want to make the best shrimp tofu, you must choose high-quality ingredients, pay attention to its color when choosing shrimp, and choose brightly colored shrimp. High-quality shrimp has a fishy smell, and the elasticity of high-quality shrimp is small. If the elasticity of the shrimp is large, it means that it has been soaked in water. I used Japanese tofu when I made shrimp tofu. You can also choose tofu when you go to the supermarket. The yellowish tofu is better. Don’t buy plain white tofu, it most likely has bleach added. High-quality tofu smells fragrant, and low-quality tofu is easy to spoil and go bad, so be careful when choosing.

Calories in Shrimp Tofu

Many people like to eat shrimp tofu, which is a low-calorie food. Because of the high protein content, you will feel full after eating, so it is a diet for weight loss. If you are losing weight, you can eat more shrimp tofu, but don’t eat too much, or you will still have excess calories.


Shrimp Tofu
Shrimp tofu is very popular now. It combines fresh shrimp and tofu together, using two processes: frying and soup. You can also add different vegetables according to your preferences. I added enoki mushrooms in it. You can also add other vegetables, which will also be very delicious.
The method of shrimp tofu is simple, you will be very proficient if you try to cook it a few times, and it must be very popular to entertain friends.
  • 3 packets of tofu
  • starch
  • Cooking oil
  • Fresh shrimp 250 g
  • 1 tomato
  • Enoki mushroom 200 g
  • 1 scoop of oyster sauce
  • 1 spoon of tomato paste
  • 3 tablespoons light soy sauce
  • 1/2 tablespoon sugar
  • chopped green onion
  • Prepare 3 packets of tofu,Cut the tofu into sections.
  • Add appropriate amount of starch,Stir to make the tofu evenly coated with a layer of starch.
  • Add appropriate amount of edible oil to the pot and heat on low heat,Put the tofu in the pot,Fry tofu over low heat,Flip the tofu and fry both sides until golden brown.
  • Then turn off the heat and pour the tofu into the plate.
  • Prepare fresh shrimp 250 g,Remove shrimp head, shrimp shell, shrimp thread.
  • Prepare 1 tomato and cut it into pieces.
  • Add appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pot and heat up on low heat,Fry the shrimp in the pan until the color changes.
  • Add proper amount of oil to the pot and heat it up on low heat,Put the shrimp heads removed before into the pot and stir fry for 5 minutes,Pick out the shrimp heads and throw them away, leaving the sauce in the pot.
  • Pour the tomatoes into the pot and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Add 200 g enoki mushrooms.
  • Add the fried tofu.
  • Add the fried shrimp,Add 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of tomato sauce, 3 spoons of light soy sauce, half a spoon of sugar.
  • Add water to the pot to make sure it can submerge two-thirds of the ingredients,Cover the pot and boil on high heat for 5 minutes.
  • Add appropriate amount of chopped green onion,Shrimp tofu is ready.
1、Fry the tofu over a low fire, not too long, and avoid zooming the tofu.
2、Be careful and clean when removing shrimp shells and shrimp threads.
3、 Fry the shrimps over a small fire, not too long, and turn them a few times.
4、You can also add spinach, carrots and other vegetables to it according to your preferences.
Cooking Difficulty
530Salty, sweet, fragrantDeep-fried, stew
Nutrient Content
ContentPer 100 g
Calories106 kcal
carbohydrate3.5 g
Fat7.4 g
protein7.3 g
Cellulose4.5 g
Matching Food
Chinese Almond Tofu,Bingtanghulu,Chinese Spring Rolls
Suitable People
PeopleRecommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar5
High blood pressure6
high blood fat7
lose weight5
Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)
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