Shrimp Roe



The way I make fried shrimp is very simple. The main ingredient is shrimp, and the seasoning is light soy sauce and oyster sauce. You can add ingredients such as tomatoes and peppers, as well as seasonings such as rock sugar, dried peppers, and cooking wine, according to your preferences, to make fried shrimps with a more unique flavor.

Stir-fried shrimp is a dish suitable for all ages. It is simple to prepare and can be prepared in 10 minutes. It is also nutritious and tastes very delicious without difficulty.

3、Cooking Difficulty

320Salty, fragrantfry


  1. 500 g shrimp
  2. Shallots
  3. garlic
  4. Ginger
  5. Cooking oil
  6. 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
  7. 1 scoop of oyster sauce

5、How To Make

1、Prepare 500 g shrimps and wash them with water.

2、Remove the head and internal organs of the shrimp by hand,When removing the shrimp thread, the action should be slow.

3、Prepare shallots, garlic and ginger.

4、Add some cooking oil to the wok,Add shallots, garlic, and ginger, stir fry for aroma.

5、Pour the shrimps into the wok and stir fry.

6、Add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce and 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce after the shrimp changes color,Continue to stir fry evenly.

7、Then cover the pot and simmer on medium heat for 5 minutes,When the time is up, the fried prawns will be ready,It’s very simple.

6、Important Tips

1、 Remove the head and internal organs of the shrimp by hand. The action should be slow and clean up, especially the black shrimp thread.

2、The seasoning I added is very simple, only light soy sauce and oyster sauce. This method is simpler and can retain the original taste of the shrimp. If you like other flavors, you can add appropriate amount of rock sugar, dried chili, cooking wine and other seasonings.

7、Nutrient Content

ContentPer 100 g
Calories82.1 kcal
carbohydrate7.9 g
Fat0.4 g
protein6.1 g
Cellulose0.2 g

8、Matching Food

Roast Pork Bun,Xiaodiao Pear Soup RecipeChinese Bacon

9、Suitable People

PeopleRecommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar7
High blood pressure8
high blood fat8
lose weight8

Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)

10、Recipe related knowledge

Nutrition of fried shrimp

Stir-fried shrimp is a home-cooked dish in southern Chinese cities. Shrimp can be used to make many delicacies. Shrimp is rich in protein, and it is very simple to cook with it. It can be steamed, boiled or fried. Each method is very delicious. . Shrimp is rich in nutrients, these nutrients help to improve human immunity, and have anti-aging effects. Eating fresh shrimp often can also help pregnant women with lactation. And shrimp skin also has a sedative effect. If you have neurasthenia or poor sleep quality, you can eat more fried shrimp to improve sleep.

The nutrition of shrimp can also provide more nutrients for the brain, and it is rich in fatty acids, which help children’s brain development. Shrimp is also rich in vitamin B12, zinc, iodine, selenium, and these trace elements are very needed by the human body. Shrimp is low in calories and low in fat, so friends who lose weight can eat more and not get fat. But you have to pay attention to the high cholesterol content in shrimp, so people with high cholesterol should eat less.

What are the effects of eating too much fried shrimp?

Fresh shrimp is rich in nutrients, and it is simple to make. It can be done in ten minutes. You can add various seasonings to make shrimps with different flavors. I like hot and sour flavors very much. If you learn to make fried shrimp, you will love this dish, but you can’t eat too much. Eating too much fried shrimp can easily cause indigestion, and it is no problem to control the amount within a certain range. I also remind everyone to cook the shrimp when making fried shrimp. After cooking, it can kill all kinds of bacteria and parasites.

Eating shrimp raw is very risky and can easily lead to diarrhea. Shrimp is rich in trace elements, calcium elements, and protein. I usually cook it at home several times. Children like it very much. They can also make more and store it in the refrigerator. convenient.

What should I pay attention to when eating shrimp?

Fried shrimp is a delicacy, but you also need to know some precautions. Do not eat shrimp with fruit, otherwise it will bring a greater digestive burden to the stomach. Don’t eat shrimp and pumpkin together, don’t eat shrimp and soybeans together, they will affect gastrointestinal digestion. Grape, pomegranate, hawthorn and other fruits contain a large amount of tannic acid. The nutrients of shrimp will react with tannic acid to form insoluble substances, which will stimulate the stomach and intestines.

Therefore, do not eat shrimp and fruit together. The time between eating them can be separated by 2 hours, it will have no effect. Some people are allergic to shrimp, so don’t eat fried shrimp. Children should not eat too much shrimp for the first time, and people with skin diseases should not eat shrimp, which will affect the recovery of skin diseases.


Shrimp Roe
The way I make fried shrimp is very simple. The main ingredient is shrimp, and the seasoning is light soy sauce and oyster sauce. You can add ingredients such as tomatoes and peppers, as well as seasonings such as rock sugar, dried peppers, and cooking wine, according to your preferences, to make fried shrimps with a more unique flavor.
Stir-fried shrimp is a dish suitable for all ages. It is simple to prepare and can be prepared in 10 minutes. It is also nutritious and tastes very delicious without difficulty.
  • 500 g shrimp
  • Shallots
  • garlic
  • Ginger
  • Cooking oil
  • 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
  • 1 scoop of oyster sauce
  • Prepare 500 g shrimps and wash them with water.
  • Remove the head and internal organs of the shrimp by hand,When removing the shrimp thread, the action should be slow.
  • Prepare shallots, garlic and ginger.
  • Add some cooking oil to the wok,Add shallots, garlic, and ginger, stir fry for aroma.
  • Pour the shrimps into the wok and stir fry.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce and 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce after the shrimp changes color,Continue to stir fry evenly.
  • Then cover the pot and simmer on medium heat for 5 minutes,When the time is up, the fried prawns will be ready,It’s very simple.
1、 Remove the head and internal organs of the shrimp by hand. The action should be slow and clean up, especially the black shrimp thread.
2、The seasoning I added is very simple, only light soy sauce and oyster sauce. This method is simpler and can retain the original taste of the shrimp. If you like other flavors, you can add appropriate amount of rock sugar, dried chili, cooking wine and other seasonings.
Cooking Difficulty
320Salty, fragrantfry
Nutrient Content
ContentPer 100 g
Calories82.1 kcal
carbohydrate7.9 g
Fat0.4 g
protein6.1 g
Cellulose0.2 g
Matching Food
Roast Pork Bun,Xiaodiao Pear Soup Recipe,Chinese Bacon
Suitable People
PeopleRecommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar7
High blood pressure8
high blood fat8
lose weight8
Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)
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