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Grass Jelly Dessert
Grass Jelly Dessert is a snack in Fujian Province, China. It tastes as refreshing as jelly. It can be added with honey, sugar water, lemon juice, milk or other fruits. It is very cool to eat in summer. The fairy grass jelly I made is added with milk and honey. You can also add other ingredients such as crushed peanuts, cranberries, lemonade, etc. according to your own preferences, and the taste will be richer.
At the same time, I also shared the production method of white jelly. The two are very similar. They are seasoned with ingredients such as brown sugar water, honey, crushed peanuts, cranberries, milk, and honey, and they taste very sweet. It's delicious in summer and even more refreshing when chilled in the refrigerator.
  • Dried fairy grass 150 g
  • 5500 ml water
  • 5 g edible alkali
  • 100 g white jelly
  • 60 g Banana taro starch
  • Red candy soap
  • chopped peanuts
  • cranberry
  • milk
  • Honey
  • What I'm going to do today is fairy grass jelly,Buy dried fairy grass 150 g, cut into small pieces,The fairy grass I purchased has been trimmed,Then wash the dust off its surface with clean water.
  • put it in the pot,Add 3000 ml water, 5 g edible alkali.
  • Bring to a boil, then switch to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, with this time I made jelly,Pour 2500 ml of water into the pot,After heating and boiling, add 100 g white jelly powder, and stir quickly at the same time.
  • Then pour it into the box to cool for 2 hours.
  • Then filter the boiled fairy grass water and pour it into a pot.
  • Then add 60 g Banana taro starch and 100 ml water to the bowl,After stirring well, pour into the fairy grass water, and stir quickly at the same time.
  • At this time, the fairy grass water turns into a dark brown color,Then pour the celery water into the pot and bring it to a boil,while stirring continuously.
  • Turn off the fire after the fairy grass water turns black (about 5 minutes),Then pour the fairy grass water into the box to cool.
  • At this point, the white jelly has been fully cooled,White jelly is very soft and elastic after cooling,It's similar to jelly and doesn't break easily,Cut white jelly into small pieces,If you can put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes in summer, it will taste more refreshing,The completely cooled fairy grass jelly is also very elastic and tastes very fresh.
  • Pour white jelly into a bowl,Add 2 tablespoons of brown sugar water, 3 tablespoons of crushed peanuts, 2 tablespoons of cranberries,This is my favorite white jelly,You can also add other fruits and nuts to your liking.
  • I won't add a lot of ingredients to the fairy grass jelly,I will add milk and honey to the fairy grass jelly,It tastes very delicious,You can also add your favorite fruits and nuts to the fairy grass jelly.
  • Hope your herbal jelly is as delicious as white jelly.
1、 The purchased fairy grass should be washed with water to remove the dust on the surface.
2、 When making white jelly, do not add Banana taro starch directly to the boiling water, it is easy to agglomerate. Dissolve the Banana taro starch in cold water, pour it into the boiling water, and stir quickly.
3、 Put the jelly and fairy grass jelly in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, the taste will be better.
Cooking Difficulty
Difficulty(1-10) Time(minuts) taste Skill
4 50 sweet boil
Nutrient Content
Content Per 100 g
Calories 56 kcal
carbohydrate 9.2 g
Fat 1.5 g
protein 1.2 g
Cellulose 1.1 g
Matching Food
Red Bean Cake,Pork Jerky Recipe,Zha Jiang Noodles
Suitable People
People Recommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar 6
High blood pressure 7
high blood fat 7
lose weight 7
child 8
Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)