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Pork Jerky Recipe
The Spicy Pork Jerky Recipe Recipe is easy to make, delicious and easy to keep. Many people use it as a daily snack. In China, many people store jerky in the refrigerator, which can be used as an ingredient when cooking and as a snack at ordinary times.
The main ingredient of my spicy pork jerky recipe is pork, which uses a lot of seasonings and adds a lot of chili powder, so it is mainly spicy. You can also add a small amount of sugar to make a different jerky.
The Pork Jerky is easy to store and carry after being put into the crisper. If you feel that cooking is troublesome, you can directly take the Pork Jerky from the refrigerator and heat it in the microwave before eating.
  • Pork 1 kg
  • 2 tablespoons cooking wine
  • onion
  • ginger
  • 15 g soy sauce
  • 5 g soy sauce
  • 10 g oyster sauce
  • 3 g pepper
  • 5 g pepper powder
  • 3 g sweet potato starch
  • 3 g five spice powder
  • 3 g thirteen incense
  • 5 g spiced salt
  • 6 g chili powder
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
  • 3 g cumin powder
  • edible oil
  • Today I am sharing the Spicy Pork Jerky Recipe,It can be stored in the refrigerator after it is made, I like it as a snack,Prepare fresh pork 1 kg,clean the pork.
  • Then remove the fat, pork skin and white fascia.
  • Then cut the pork into 0.5 cm thick slices.
  • Then cut the slices into 0.5 cm wide strips.
  • Put the sliced pork in the pot,Add 2 tablespoons of cooking wine to the pot, add an appropriate amount of onion and ginger,Mix well by hand.
  • Then add 15 g soy sauce, 5 g soy sauce, 10 g oyster sauce, 3 g pepper powder, 2 g pepper powder,Then mix well,Because the seasoning contains salt, there is no need to add additional salt.
  • Then add 3 g sweet potato starch, stir again,Then marinate for 30 minutes.
  • After 30 minutes, pick out the shallots and ginger with chopsticks and throw them away.
  • Then add water to the steamer and bring to a boil,Put the marinated meat in the steamer and steam for 20 minutes.
  • Prepare the seasoning while steaming the meat,Add 3 g five-spice powder, 3 g thirteen spices, 5 g spiced salt, 3 g pepper powder, 6 g chili powder, 2 tablespoons sesame seeds, 3 g cumin powder into the bowl,Then mix the seasoning well and set aside.
  • Take the steamed pork strips out and put them on a plate to cool,The steamed pork has a strong aroma at this time.
  • Add some cooking oil to the frying pan and heat it up,Then pour the prepared seasoning into the wok, stir fry on low heat until fragrant.
  • Then pour the pork strips into the wok,Quickly stir fry and turn off the heat.
  • Then put the prepared pork jerky on the tray to dry for 2 days.
  • You can also dry the pork jerky in the oven or air fryer,Set 200 degrees Celsius, 10 minutes, the pork jerky is roasted.
  • I like to put more chili in when making the pork jerky, it tastes better,You can adjust the amount of chilli according to your liking,Hope you like my spicy pork jerky recipe.
1、 Be sure to prepare fresh pork, remove the fat, pork skin and white fascia. They can affect the texture of the pork jerky, and the fatty meat contains a lot of fat and can be greasy to eat.
2、You can adjust the seasoning according to your own preferences. I use a lot of chili powder, so the pork jerky I made is mainly spicy. You can also try adding a small amount of sugar to make the pork jerky have three flavors: salty, spicy, and sweet, and it tastes richer.
3、 Pour the pork strips into the wok and stir-fry quickly for 10 seconds. Use low heat to heat, and turn off the heat immediately after stirring evenly. Otherwise, it is easy to burn the meat.
4、 Many people are afraid of drying pork jerky in the sun to dry it with dust. I recommend drying it in an oven or air fryer, which is more hygienic and only takes 10 minutes.
Cooking Difficulty
Difficulty(1-10) Time(minuts) taste Skill
5 30 spicy, salty steamed, fried
Nutrient Content
Content Per 100 g
Calories 152 kcal
carbohydrate 4.5 g
Fat 6.7 g
protein 18.3 g
Cellulose 0.9 g
Matching Food
Egg Custard Bun,Ma Lai Gao,Chinese Egg Pancake
Suitable People
People Recommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar 6
High blood pressure 6
high blood fat 6
lose weight 5
child 7
Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)