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Shrimp Chips__Homemade
Shrimp Chips are a traditional Chinese snack. Children like it very much. It is also a snack for many young people. Nowadays, many people buy Shrimp Chips from supermarkets. Today I make Shrimp Chips by myself. It is also very simple.
Shrimp Chips mainly use shrimp, vegetable juice, tapioca flour and other ingredients. The vegetables I use are spinach and carrots. They add color to the Shrimp Chips and make the Shrimp Chips look more beautiful and more delicious.
You can also add other vegetables or fruits to the Shrimp Chips and replace the vegetable juice with fruit juice. Some people add eggs to the Shrimp Chips to increase the nutrition of the Shrimp Chips. Hope you can make more delicious Shrimp Chips.
  • Shrimp 260 g
  • 2 g salt
  • 2 slices ginger
  • water
  • 5 spinach
  • 1 carrot
  • 570 g tapioca flour
  • 500 ml cooking oil
  • Today i'm going to make Shrimp Chips,Make a little more at a time and store it as a snack.
  • Prepare 260 g of fresh shrimp,Add 2 g of salt, 2 slices of ginger, 150 g of water,Put it in the wall breaker and stir for 3 minutes.
  • Divide the shrimp paste into three portions, each of 135 g.
  • Prepare 5 spinach and 1 carrot and cut them into sections.
  • Put the carrots into the wall breaker and add 100 g of water.
  • Smash the carrots and strain them with gauze,Get carrot juice, set aside.
  • Put the spinach into the wall breaker and add 100 g of water.
  • Spinach crushed and strained with gauze,Get spinach juice, set aside,The purpose of making carrot juice and spinach juice is to add color to the shrimp chips.
  • Add 220 g tapioca flour and 35 g spinach juice to the first shrimp puree,Then stir well.
  • Knead it into a dough with your hands, set aside.
  • Add 220 grams of tapioca flour and 35 grams of carrot juice to the second portion of shrimp puree,Then stir well.
  • Knead it into a dough with your hands, set aside.
  • Add 130 grams of tapioca flour to the third portion of shrimp puree.
  • Stir evenly, knead into a dough with your hands, set aside.
  • All three colors are ready,Then knead the dough into strips,Do not exceed 20 cm in length,Then cut the dough in half from the middle to make it easy to cook in the pot.
  • Add water to the pot and boil,Put the dough in the pot and cook for 25 minutes.
  • When time is up, remove the dough and drain the water,Dry the dough in a well-ventilated place for 8 hours,Can't be placed in the sun.
  • Then cut the dough into thin slices.
  • Spread the Shrimp Chips on the bamboo basket,Put the bamboo basket in the sun for 1 day.
  • The Shrimp Chips are ready,If you make a lot of Shrimp Chips, you can put it in a fresh-keeping bag.
  • When eating, prepare the wok and add 500 ml of cooking oil,Heat for 1 minute, then add shrimp chips.
  • Soon the Shrimp Chips will swell and grow bigger,It can be fished out after 10 seconds of frying.
  • The freshly made Shrimp Chips are very delicious,Hope you like it.
1、 Use a crusher to break the shrimps, and the mixing time can be longer, which can make the shrimp slices taste more delicate.
2、 Knead the dough evenly, otherwise it will affect the aesthetics of the shrimp chips.
3、 After the dough is cooked, it should be dried in a ventilated and shaded place. It should not be exposed to the sun, otherwise it will be difficult to slice.
4、 Use low heat when frying the Shrimp Chips. Do not fry for too long, otherwise the Shrimp Chips will burn.
Cooking Difficulty
Difficulty(1-10) Time(minuts) taste Skill
6 35 Fragrant, crisp and sweet fry
Nutrient Content
Content Per 100 g
Calories 342 kcal
carbohydrate 85.5 g
Fat 0.7 g
protein 0.6 g
Cellulose 1.8 g
Matching Food
Braised Beef Noodle Soup,Chinese Mochi,Jiyu Tang Soup
Suitable People
People Recommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar 3
High blood pressure 5
high blood fat 4
lose weight 4
child 6
Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)