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Geoduck Recipe
Geoduck has rich nutritional value and is very delicious when used as hot pot ingredients. It is very popular in southern China. It can be used for making sashimi, steaming, and poaching.
I cook it in water. This geoduck recipe can be used as a summer cold dish. I often eat it with beer, fried peanuts, and mapo tofu. The geoduck recipe is my specialty. Good food.
  • 500 g geoduck
  • Sliced ginger
  • Chives
  • Cooking wine
  • mustard
  • soy sauce
  • Sesame sesame oil
  • Minced garlic
  • coriander
  • I am sharing a geoduck recipe today,The geoduck caught yesterday,Put it in clean water to remove the sand from the body.
  • Take out the meat of the geoduck with a knife.
  • Then remove the outer layer of skin,There is a lot of sand in it.
  • Then remove the guts of the geoduck.
  • Cut the head of the geoduck.
  • Add water to the pot and boil,Add ginger slices, chives, cooking wine.
  • Pour the geoduck after the water has boiled,Boil on high heat for 2 minutes.
  • Fish out the geoduck,Pour into a basin of cold water,Geoduck soaked in cold water tastes crispier.
  • Soak in cold water for 5 minutes.
  • Then remove the geoduck and drain the water.
  • Add appropriate amount of mustard, light soy sauce, sesame sesame oil to the bowl,Stir well.
  • Then add minced garlic, green onion, coriander,Stir well.
  • Join Geoduck,Stir it again and it's ready to eat,Hope you like this geoduck recipe too.
1、After buying the geoduck, place it in clean water for 24 hours to remove the sand from its body.
2、After the geoduck is cooked, take it out and soak it in cold water for 2 minutes to make it more crispy.
Cooking Difficulty
Difficulty(1-10) Time(minuts) taste Skill
4 20 Salty, fragrant boil
Nutrient Content
Content Per 100 g
Calories 108 kcal
carbohydrate 4.7 g
Fat 2 g
protein 12.1 g
Cellulose 0.5 g
Matching Food
Beer, fried peanuts, mapo tofu
Suitable People
People Recommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar 7
High blood pressure 8
high blood fat 8
lose weight 7
child 8
Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)