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Jiyu Tang Soup
Jiyu Tang uses crucian carp(Jiyu), tofu, mushrooms, etc. as ingredients, and is made into fish soup through two processes: frying and stewing. It is rich in protein and is very easy to digest and absorb. It is very popular in southern China.
Jiyu Tang is different from other broths. It is lighter, suitable for all ages, and can be matched with many vegetables, which has high nutritional value. I did not use tofu in the Jiyu Tang I made today. You can add tofu when making it. I believe the flavor will be richer.
  • 3 crucian carp(Jiyu)
  • Cooking oil
  • Sea mustard
  • Sliced ginger
  • mushroom
  • salt
  • White pepper
  • Chives
  • Today I will make Jiyu Tang,Prepare 3 crucian carp(Jiyu), remove internal organs, scales and gills,Wash the fish clean and make a few strokes on the back.
  • Add appropriate amount of cooking oil to the wok, turn on the heat and heat, add the crucian carp(Jiyu).
  • Don't stir fry, but shake the wok and fry the fish on a low fire.
  • Fried on both sides until golden brown,Fry for a longer time, the fish soup will be more delicious.
  • Use a rolling pin to mash the fish, the head of the fish can also be crushed.
  • Then pour in boiling water and boil,Cook for 10 minutes.
  • Fish soup and Sea mustard are a perfect match,Prepare the Sea mustard, soak it in water.
  • After the dashi is boiled, strain it into a casserole,Get milky white fish soup.
  • Add ginger, Sea mustard, mushrooms,Continue to boil for 3 minutes.
  • Then add some salt and white pepper,Add small chives,The delicious crucian fish soup is ready,Sea mustard and mushrooms make the fish soup more flavorful,You can also add tofu and other seasonings in the preparation,Make your favorite Jiyu Tang.
1、The internal organs of the fish must be cleaned up, as there are black residues in the fish belly.
2、Fry the fish for a longer time, which can make the fish soup more delicious and release the nutrition of the fish more quickly.
3、Many friends like to add tofu. I don’t put tofu here. If you like, you can add tofu or other vegetables and seasonings. But be careful: the Jiyu Tang should taste light.
Cooking Difficulty
Difficulty(1-10) Time(minuts) taste Skill
4 25 Salty, fragrant Fried, stewed
Nutrient Content
Content Per 100 g
Calories 45.3 kcal
carbohydrate 1.5 g
Fat 1.8 g
protein 5.6 g
Cellulose 0.1 g
Matching Food
Jinhua Ham,Chinese Egg Pancake,Mapo Tofu Recipe
Suitable People
People Recommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar 9
High blood pressure 9
high blood fat 9
lose weight 9
child 8
Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)