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Ma Lai Gao
Ma Lai Gao is a very famous delicacy in Southeast Asia. It is very similar to Chinese cakes. The taste is mainly soft and sweet. Mara cakes are golden brown, very fluffy and soft when eaten fresh, with a slight fragrance. If it is fully fermented, the color of the mara cake will become dark brown.
The Ma Lai Gao I made today will be fermented for 1.5 hours. If the fermentation time is longer, the color will be darker. You can try fermenting for 2 hours. I believe it will be very delicious. Some friends will add jujube to it to taste more unique.
  • 3 eggs
  • 30 g butter
  • 150 g milk
  • 130 g brown sugar
  • 150 g low-gluten flour
  • 1 scoop of yeast powder
  • 1 scoop of baking powder
  • 1/4 tablespoon salt
  • Today we will make Ma Lai Gao,First prepare a pot of boiling water,30 g butter in a glass,Put the glass into boiling water and melt the butter.
  • Prepare a big bowl,Add 3 eggs.
  • Add 150 g milk.
  • Add 30 g butter.
  • Add 130 g brown sugar,Sweetness can be adjusted according to personal preference,It is recommended to add brown sugar to liquid ingredients,Easier to stir and melt.
  • Prepare 150 grams of low-gluten flour,Add 1 spoon of baking powder, 1/4 spoon of salt, 1 spoon of yeast powder,After mixing the above ingredients evenly,Pour them into the liquid ingredients slowly in two times.
  • Stir slowly evenly,The cake requires a soft texture,Quick stirring easily affects the soft taste,Will also cause the cake to collapse,Stir until there are no large particles.
  • Strain the batter with a sieve.
  • Close the lid,Let the batter rise for 1.5 hours,Boil a pot of water when it is about to ferment,Because after that we have to steam it for 30 minutes.
  • Then prepare baking paper and cake mold,Lay the baking paper in the mold,I use a 7-inch cake mold.
  • Gently stir the fermented batter,Remove some big bubbles.
  • Then pour the batter into the mold.
  • Put the mold in the steamer and steam on medium heat for 30 minutes.
  • Don't open the lid immediately after steaming,Turn off the heat and simmer for 5 minutes,Let the temperature in the pot drop slightly,This can prevent the cake from shrinking due to cold air when the lid is opened immediately.
  • The freshly steamed Ma Lai Gao is very springy,It tastes soft and sweet.
1、 Don't stir the batter too fast. Stirring quickly will easily affect the soft taste and cause the cake to collapse.
2、 It is not necessary to use a steamer for steaming Ma Lai Gaos, just a household steamer. The bottom of the cake mold can be removed or not, and the result will not be affected.
3、 If you don't like the taste of yeast powder, you can just use baking powder, the effect is also good.
Cooking Difficulty
Difficulty(1-10) Time(minuts) taste Skill
6 40 Sweet Steam
Nutrient Content
Content Per 100 g
Calories 298.3 kcal
carbohydrate 41.6 g
Fat 12.5 g
protein 6.3 g
Cellulose 0.7 g
Matching Food
Chinese Fish Soup,Chinese Almond Tofu,Osmanthus Tea
Suitable People
People Recommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar 3
High blood pressure 7
high blood fat 6
lose weight 4
child 8
Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)