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Dried Longan
Longan is a specialty fruit in southern China. It is rich in sugar and contains many vitamins. It is very delicious. Because longan is difficult to store for a long time, people make it into dried longan, which is more convenient to store. It is a delicious snack. It also has the effects of beautifying the skin, protecting blood vessels, and lowering blood lipids.
Here I make dried longan, which is mainly used to make tea. Drinking a cup at work can make the body healthier. I also call it health tea. I hope you like it.
  • Longan
  • Wolfberry
  • Jujube
  • Longan is a treasure all over,Wash the longan with water.
  • Add water to a pot and boil,Boil the longan in boiling water for 3 minutes,Don’t cook the longan for too long, otherwise the longan will crack easily.
  • Take out the longan and drain the water,Dry in a ventilated and dry environment,End of drying for 2 weeks.
  • You can peel the dried longan to get the longan meat,You can also make tea directly with dried longan.
  • I like to use it to make health tea,Add dried longan, wolfberry and jujube to boiling water,Boil for 30 minutes.
  • The health tea is ready,It’s good for your health and it’s delicious.
1、Do not cook the longan in boiling water for too long, otherwise the longan will crack easily.
2、Choose a ventilated and dry environment when drying longans. The drying time is about 2 weeks, which can be shortened or extended according to your local weather.
3、To make tea with dried longan, you can add other ingredients, such as rock sugar, honey, osmanthus and so on.
Cooking Difficulty
Difficulty(1-10) Time(minuts) taste Skill
2 10 sweet Boil and dry
Nutrient Content
Content Per 100 g
Calories 319 kcal
carbohydrate 76.2 g
Fat 0.2 g
protein 5.6 g
Cellulose 0.2 g
Matching Food
Shrimp Tofu,Chinese Salted Fish,Biang Biang Noodles
Suitable People
People Recommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar 3
High blood pressure 7
high blood fat 6
lose weight 5
child 8
Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)