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Chinese Almond Tofu (Almond Jelly)
Almond tofu is a traditional specialty snack in Jiangsu Province, China. It is mainly made of sweet almonds, pulverized and boiled with water, and then cut into pieces after being frozen and condensed. It is named after the shape of tofu.
Almonds have the effect of producing body fluids and quenching thirst and reducing intestinal cancer. However, excessive consumption of almonds can cause poisoning, and the almonds must be fully heated and boiled in water before eating. It is important to eat almonds correctly.
In summer, eating almond tofu is very refreshing. You can add light cream, fruit juice, honey, etc. to almond tofu according to your preferences to make it taste better.
  • Almonds 60 g
  • 350 ml of water
  • 250 ml milk
  • Agar 4 g
  • Sugar 40 g
  • The ingredient ratio of almond tofu is very important,60 g of almonds, 350 ml of water, 250 ml of milk, 4 g of agar, 40 g of sugar,You can increase or decrease the amount of sugar according to your taste.
  • he preparation is simple,Soak almonds and agar for more than two hours,If you have enough time, you can soak for a few hours for better results,Long soaking can make the almonds more fully absorb water,Increase the water yield of almonds,If the agar is fully soaked, it will be easier to dissolve when it is boiled later,The soaked almonds will expand and increase in volume.
  • Put the almonds in the food processor,Add water to the food processor twice before and after,Fully smash the almonds.
  • Filter almond pulp with gauze to remove residue,You can filter twice, the almond pulp will be more delicate,The filtered almond residue can be used to make biscuits and other snacks.
  • Then add 40 g sugar to almond milk,Boil almond pulp over low heat,Drain the agar and put it into the almond paste,Agar will not dissolve in cold water,It can only be fully dissolved in boiling water,After that, be sure to keep stirring at the bottom of the pan,Boil the agar thoroughly.
  • Add milk after the agar has melted,While constantly stirring,Let the milk and almond syrup and the agar fully fuse,You can turn off the heat when it boils again.
  • Filter the almond pulp again,,The purpose is to remove the agar that has not completely melted and at the same time remove air bubbles.
  • Pour almond milk into a square lunch box,Below 40 degrees agar will start to solidify,Put the almond milk at room temperature for 10 minutes,Then put it in the refrigerator for one hour to accelerate the solidification.
  • Almond tofu is done,Take it out of the refrigerator while eating,Use a toothpick to make a circle around the edge of the lunch box,Almond tofu can be taken out easily.
  • Cut the almond tofu into small cubes of the right size,It’s really as delicate as tofu and full of moisture.
  • The taste of almond tofu is not soft and waxy,But with a certain degree of brittleness and chipping,Use a spoon to lightly everything will break apart,It feels very refreshing in the mouth.
  • Put the cut almond tofu in a bowl,Pour rock sugar water,Add a teaspoon of sugar osmanthus,You can taste delicious.
1、Soak the almonds and agar for more than two hours, the almonds fully absorb water, the agar is completely dissolved, and the almond tofu tastes better.
2、Filter the almond milk many times to remove the agar and almond residues that are not completely dissolved, and the almond tofu will taste more delicate.
3、If there is no sugar osmanthus, you can add whipped cream, fruit juice, honey, etc. to the almond tofu according to your own preferences, and the taste will be better.
Cooking Difficulty
Difficulty(1-10) Time(minuts) taste Skill
2 20 Sweet and refreshing Boil
Nutrient Content
Content Per 100g
Calories 30.9 kcal
carbohydrate 6 g
Fat 0.4 g
protein 0.3 g
Cellulose 0 g
Matching Food
Whipped cream, Juice, Honey
Suitable People
People Recommend value(1-10)
High blood sugar 2
High blood pressure 8
high blood fat 8
lose weight 6
child 8
Recommend value:0-3(Try to avoid eating),4-6(Control eating less),7-8(No effect),9-10(Eat more)